How to Declutter Your Home
How to declutter your home
It starts with the purchase.
Think about what you are buying before you snap up that bargain.
Where can I store it? Toy storage ideas
Will it need cleaning?
Will it need repairing?
As soon as you start to think about time it will take for you to look after the item you might reconsider that purchase.
If you decide you will set a weekend a aside to totally declutter your home… don’t!
Think bite-size. I remember revising for my GCSE’s at school with a program called Bite-size. Everything broken down into smaller chunks which is easier to digest. Tackle one room at a time or you will soon be disheartened come the evening and you are still sorting through what is junk and what isn’t.
Be organised before decluttering.
Yes it helps to have a place for everything, which you can sort once you are finished. But what we mean by this is to have plenty of boxes and bin bags ready, also some tape to reinforce the boxes if needed . Label the boxes – Rubbish, Charity, Boot Sale (there are plenty of local sale sites on social media but make sure you stay safe when arranging to meet people). Recycle any plastic you can to save our ocean! Being organised when you start will help you massively.
Keep minimal of everything.
You discover you have six shoe horns in your house – do you need them all? Keep one and banish the other five.
Create – Pigeon Holes
This will be a huge time saver for you. Maybe buy cubicle shelving with pull out draws in some of the cubes. Empty cubes can be used to store a small a4 filing system for bills to pay, To do (such as letters to sign, party/wedding invites to reply to). you can use the draws to store a maintenance items such as a sewing kit, super glue, sticky tape or precision screwdriver set. Repair items straight away, don’t store them away or you will be cluttered up with items you will never get around to fixing.
Do I need my clothes?
Put your clothes on hangers in your wardrobe and hang all garments up by hooking the coat-hanger on the rail from behind. When you have worn an item and it is ready to be returned to your wardrobe hang the hanger the normal way around. At the end of the year you will see which clothes you haven’t worn. This is your chance to consider taking these clothes to a charity shop.