Dolly Char Protocol for safety of customers and cleaners.

Updated 04/01/21

Following government guidelines, Cleaners are still allowed to work in your home as cleaning plays a huge role in defeating coronavirus. Please make sure you are stocked up on disinfectants and/or antibacterial cleaners.

Please make sure to vacate the room that the cleaners are working in.

The cleaners are encouraged to open windows whilst they work.

We also ask you to bear with us through this time as all schools have now been closed. This means some cleaners may experience childcare issues through the current lock down.

We ask for your loyalty and financial support to continue through this third lockdown so we can hopefully maintain our services once we have beaten COVID-19.

We are still open for business as usual and will try to offer cleaning services subject to availibility (due to the effects of lockdown).

Stay safe.

UPDATE 31/10/20

Dolly Char is open for business as usual abiding by government guidelines in our previous update.
The government guidance is that cleaners can still work inside your home.

As of November 5th 2020 to December 2nd 2020 we are in National lockdown but cleaners are still permitted to work.

UPDATE 12/5/20
We are staying well informed of the developing situation and are following the advice and recommendations from the Government, Public Health England and the World Health Organisation. For the most up-to-date guidelines visit these organisations’ websites directly.

Cleaner information:

You will need to follow these working in peoples' homes guidelines written in accordance with Government website.

If you are showing any symptoms of COVID-19, please follow the NHS guidelines to find out if you need to self-isolate.

Please inform your client immediately and Dolly Char if you suspect you have COVID-19 and need to self-isolate.

Cleaning is now a more important role than ever but needs to be done so using your own discretion as a self-employed worker at your own risk.

Customer information:

If you are showing any symptoms of COVID-19, please follow the NHS guidelines to find out if you need to self-isolate.

If you need to self-isolate, please contact your cleaner and Dolly Char immediately to let them know not to attend.

If your cleaner suspects they have COVID-19 then they are to contact you immediately.

Although we endeavour to provide replacement cleaners, it may be more difficult during this pandemic.

We advise all cleaning undertaken through this outbreak is at your own risk as you know your individual circumstances.

Whilst cleaning is undertaken we ask that you vacate the premises if possible, maybe go for a walk/exercise, unless stricter guidelines are enforced after the date of this article. If this is not possible, please vacate the room that the cleaner is required to work. More safe working practices can be found here.

As agreed and laid out in the handbooks we provide, you (the customer) are responsible for any protective equipment the cleaners may need e.g. gloves, hand sanitiser etc.

For customers that wish to postpone the service, we previously advised that we "will pause your direct debit payment and reinstate it in 3 months time after a call from our office (dependent on the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic)". This has proven difficult as every situation is different. We are happy to honour this if you have not had a cleaner for 3 months but we have found some arrangements have only paused for several weeks. we will amend the next payments minus the weeks missed. We are happy to discuss this individually should you wish but you will need to give us a call.

If you are a customer who pays via standing order, you will need to cancel these yourself with your bank as we have no authority to do so. Some people have left this running and agreed for a reimbursement at a later date. We will set up a direct debit on return

For customers that wish to terminate the agreement, the one month notice period still applies and our usual cancellation process is followed.

(image credit:
These Guidelines apply to England Only